How do I qualify for a first mortgage loan?
Simply own a property with sufficient equity, which has a Clear Title. (ie: no other mortgages or caveats on the title)
What is required for a First Mortgage Loan?
You simply need a rates notice for the property, and photo ID for each person on title (ie: each owner). If the property is in a state where paper titles still exist, you will also need to have the Certificate of Title in your possession.
What loan amount would I qualify for?
In most cases, you can borrow up to 75% of the value of the property. That means if the property was worth $950,000, you could borrow up to $712,500 including capitalised interest and costs.
Will I get approved for a First Mortgage Business Loan?
If you have sufficient equity in real estate and a business purpose for the loan, then you are almost certain to get approved and funded in 24 hours.
What information will I need to provide when applying for First Mortgage?
After completing our online application we will need a copy of your ID and a rates notice.
What are the qualification requirements for a first mortgage?
All you need is sufficient equity in real estate and require the funds for business use.
How Do I Apply for a First Mortgage Loan?
Click on any of the apply online buttons on our website, or fo to
Do I need great credit to get a first mortgage?
Not at all, credit history is not relevant to our lending policies and guidelines.
What does 1st mortgage security mean?
First mortgage security means that the Lender will have the first ranking interest in the property you offer as security.