private business lender

With shutdowns as well as domestic and international border closures, small business owners had everything thrown at them, and they have since learn’t some serious business lessons from 2020.

You could hardly have written a more commercially deadly script if you tried.  Yet somehow, so many businesses managed to hang on, and some have even thrived.   So what have we learnt from such a chaotic year?

2020 has made business owners more resilient, resourceful, and thankful.

Business owners have all been shaken out of their comfort zone, and for many, this has been a good thing.   Its made owners and business managers look at their costs, their strategies and processes, and reassess everything.

The result is we now have a lot more more ‘match fit’ businesses in Australia. These business are now lean and have new revised strategies on literally everything.

Business Lessons from 2020

Doing More With Less in Business

This is another saying we hear a lot of.  The pandemic has made us become far more productive and innovative.  Business Lessons from 2020 include…

  • Better utilisation of floor space
  • More efficient management of staff
  • Using new technology to save money
  • Less printing and more digital solutions
  • Less travel costs due to more online meetings

Business Lessons from 2020

We have also realised that time is money as we never know when the next outbreak will occur, or when the next boder closure could happen.  This ‘need for speed’ has also seen a huge need for business finance.

But not just any business finance.  Business owners want (and need) the funding NOW, not in a months time when a bank can fund them.  That’s where Short Term Caveat Loans have been is high demand.

This is because a Caveat Loan for business can deliver large loan amounts in record time, such as funding 24 hours.  But like anything in life, it’s important to only deal with people who know what they are doing,  are experts in their field, and act with your best interests at heart.

That last sentence best sums up the team at